Articles by Liz Fava, LPC

Maintaining Change & Keeping New Years Resolutions

It's February now, and for many people, that means that the resolutions or goals they have set for the new year have already long been forgotten. So what do you do if you are prone to not following through on your goals? Here are a few tips for how to set and keep...

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What to Expect When Starting Therapy

What to Expect When Starting Therapy

People who have not experienced first-hand the counseling process often have lots of questions about what it entails. Hollywood images of laying out on leather couches while someone with a tight bun or wire rimmed glasses scribbles continuously on a clipboard can lead...

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Welcoming 2013 with Open Arms

Happy New Year! I hope you all had a wonderful holiday season! Did you put any of the holiday tips into practice? If so how did they work? I'd love to hear from you. I know I enjoyed the break from the regular work routine, and time with family and friends. I also...

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Thriving Through the Holidays: Conscious Choosing

Thriving Through the Holidays: Conscious Choosing

One of the things I often notice when talking with people about the holidays is an overall attitude that the holidays happen to us. We feel that it is just a natural part of the holidays to feel stressed, overwhelmed, and depressed. We allow ourselves to be swept...

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Thriving Through the Holidays: Raising Expectations

Thriving Through the Holidays: Raising Expectations

The countdown is on. We have only 2 weeks until Thanksgiving, and 47 shopping days left until Christmas. I've seen Christmas decorations in stores for weeks now, and I'm starting to see all the tell-tale signs of the holiday season not just approaching, but being...

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Season of Woe or Wonder: Transitioning to Fall

Season of Woe or Wonder: Transitioning to Fall

Fall is certainly in the air in Atlanta, and all the many ideas it carries with it are in full swing: pumpkin flavored everything, leaves changing, cooler weather, and the days growing shorter. I hear a variety of responses on peoples associations with fall and the...

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