Do you believe the best about your spouse, or believe the worst? If I were to ask you if you generally believe that your future spouse (or current spouse/significant other if you are already in a relationship) has your best interest in mind or your worst, what would...
As a Relationship Counselor in Atlanta, I am often working with clients on their boundaries in relationships. I am a huge fan of the book “Boundaries” by Cloud and Townsend, and often recommend it for clients to read in helping them learn more about what...
One of the things I often notice when talking with people about the holidays is an overall attitude that the holidays happen to us. We feel that it is just a natural part of the holidays to feel stressed, overwhelmed, and depressed. We allow ourselves to be swept...
The countdown is on. We have only 2 weeks until Thanksgiving, and 47 shopping days left until Christmas. I’ve seen Christmas decorations in stores for weeks now, and I’m starting to see all the tell-tale signs of the holiday season not just approaching,...